The elixir-tools Update Vol. 7 & The Great Merge

August 16, 2024

Next LS is joining forces with Lexical and ElixirLS!

You might have already seen that Steve Cohen, Łukasz Samson, Jonatan Kłosko, and myself (Mitchell Hanberg) are forming the official Elixir Language Server team!

You can read more about it on

We are currently working on merging the three projects (Lexical, ElixirLS, and Next LS) into a single official project, so in the mean time, you can continue to use the language server you are currently using.


What happens to Next LS?

Next LS will be archived after we deploy a transition to the new official project.

What happens to elixir-tools?

elixir-tools is staying around! It is currently the home to a few OSS projects (that will be used by the new LSP project!) and will continue to be maintained and developed.

What is the name of the new LSP?

We are working on it! Have ideas? Let us know!

Is there an ETA on the new LSP?

No, we aren't committing to any sort of timeline, merely working as fast as we are able to. We now have an official team, but we are still volunteers with full time jobs and families.

How can I financially support the new LSP project?

You can sponsor us individually on GitHub.

If sponsoring on GitHub is not an option for you or your organization, please reach out to José via email to work something out.

Why can't I sponsor the project itself?

We don't currently have the banking and organizational infrastructure to support something like that, nor are we likely to in the future.